
The young and the old

“‘Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord." Leviticus 19:32


Fast and Slow Game

I love to imagine the days when our kidDOS will read a story book to me and Papito.  What a joy!
One of our old time favorites!


Reading Box

I am in the discovery path of ways teach my kidDOS to read. I love to learn new things. It is even more fun when I can help my children learn.


Reflections on Potty Training

Wow... it seems so long, and at the same time it seems so short. Potty training came and we are almost done with it. I was thinking about all the things that the kidDOS have learned and all that now they are able to do by themselves, like pulling pants down and up, getting to the potty on time, etc.