
Capable kidDOS

It is amazing how we rejoice to be capable of doing new things.

As parents, we are constantly seeking to protect our children from any danger. Since the kidDOS were little I have been in a campaign about heat and fire. I constantly teach them to stay away from fire and hot surfaces/liquids.

As they continue to grow and develop I have had to change my mindsets. Now is time to teach them to get close to the fire. To manage it and use it properly. It is time to learn to cook.  :)
The first lesson was on how to prepared scramble eggs with toast. They have observed me handle eggs before. Now it was their opportunity to try to crack the eggs and prepare some delicious meal with them.
It is amazing how they enjoyed learning to use the stove, control the heat, use the utensils, and prepare their own food. The kidDOS ate their dinner with such enthusiasm that they went back to prepare seconds and ate it with the same pleasure as the first serving.

Enjoy every opportunity you have to teach something new to someone.

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