
How far is China?

We love cultures and peoples from different countries.
Kiddos with friends whose parents are from China, India, Netherlands, and USA

We have lots of friends from different nations. We often talk with them about their countries, their travels, and their culture. The kiddos always like to learn as well about our friends' similarities and differences. They love to hear stories about living in a different place. The kiddos also have a classical question: "How far is...?"
With our dear friends from Japan
One of my goals is to help our children develop a good sense of questions, curiosity and learning. The many questions two 4 years old can have, will give us enough material to cover for years. I do not want to just disregard their questions, but I desire to foster a love for investigation, discovery, and self-learning.
To answer the kiddos constant questioning about the distance to different countries, one morning we dug into a geographical investigation. A simple ruler, a world map, and post-it stickers helped us know better how far away are different countries. We measured in inches how far from our home town are all the different countries and places that have been talking about in the last months. It was great to see how the kiddos' understanding of the world grew.
Now when we talk about a friend going back to their country of origin, or the country of their parents, things are a bit more clear.

What are your children curious to learn about?

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