
Charts, charts, charts

I had a friend ask about charts, and as I reflected on it, I realized I really used charts a lot.  Here some of the ideas I shared with her.
Our Christmas charts. We add a star every night in December as we are expectant of the arrival of Christmas

What I have found is that change makes it new:
* Chart goals need to be changed after a month or month and a half. We get tired of the same (kidDOS and me), and it gets more fun if we make a change.
* I think behaviors can be created normally after a month of daily repetition. After a that time of charting a behavior, my expectation is that it needs to be done that way.
* I change the decor of the chart (stickers, stamps, columns, free decor) and the position in the house where the chart is located (bathroom, bedroom, kitchen).
Every 7 stickers will earn a special prize.
* I only try to focus on 1 or 2 behaviors at a time. Perhaps your kiddos now can do better with 2 or 3 behaviors at a time. I will try a low amount and then increase as you see appropriate.
* I have read (Dr. James Dobson and Howard Dayton) that money can be a great reward. (You can pay so many cents per positive behavior and accumulate in a jar, kind of Lauren's idea for her kids). What I read is that starting at 4/5 years old you can add the challenge of learning how to handle their own money and be financially responsible. I am looking forward to doing that in a year or two. :)
* Changing the reward itself makes it more engaging each time as well. Some times I used the sticker as the reward, some other times accumulating so many stickers will get them something they want, like watch a video, etc.
Brushing our teeth. Every day before nap and before night bed time.
* Another type of chart I have used is the picture of a clock, to mark times when certain actions need to be accomplish. I use it for nap time. Time to go to nap, then time to get up from bed. I got the idea from a book that was talking about what to do when dealing with getting ready for school in the mornings. This really helped me, now they know well that the clock let's me know when we need to do certain things. :)
Nap time
* Be consistent and be fair. Principe is good at knowing that he did not earn a sticker, for example, if he did not accomplish something, but Princesa wants to always get the reward. Not giving it to her is very hard, because she pleads, cry, etc. and I have to be strong at remaining fair.

How have you used charts to encourage your little ones?

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