
15 minutes fix

Yes to VBS!

I have always enjoyed Vacation Bible School.  And this was the first year the kidDOS were able to participate. They were a little nervous at first. But after the first day, Principe kept asking me to bring him every day. They had a lot of fun.
I volunteered to help in the crafts room. I got a free t-shirt for doing that. And I was asked to wear it every day of the week. And it was size large! What am I going to do? was my reflection all through the first day. When I got home, I had to find an answer. And the answer took 15 minutes to fix my problem.
I got another one of my t-shirts as a pattern, I cut the large shirt. I sewed the new shirt. Listo! I also made some head bands with the left overs.
Thank you Google, Youtube and Pinterest for all their wonderful ideas.

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