
Lost friend

Daddy was going to a work conference, and we were going with him.
Every time we have an opportunity to go with Papito, is such a treat. This conference was close to our city, so we drove with him. We enjoyed the hotel and the city while he was working. Later when he was off, we met him for dinner. We had such a wonderful time together!
In the way back home we stopped at a restaurant to each lunch, and then a couple hours later we stopped at a hotel for a restroom break. Later that night when we got to our city, we arrived at Gramma's house to have dinner with her. Very late we finally made it home.

The afternoon after we arrived from our trip, Principe was not able to locate his favorite stuff animal, "Osito". That night there was a big commotion because Osito was nowhere to be found. We promised to make a big search the next day. The following day we looked and looked. Osito didn't appeared. Principe cried and cried. The next days where all sad days.

I called all the places we visited on our way back from the hotel. We knew Osito had come in the car in our way back. We just didn't know where in the process he got lost.  We continue searching here and there almost every day. The sadness linger from day to day. We tried to replace Osito with other stuff animals. Nothing seem to make the sadness go away.
Fifteen days later Papito decided to perform a super search on Principe's room. He decided he was going to move all the furniture and see if Osito was trapped somewhere. Osito was under the mattress!! It was such a joyous evening. Principe cried for joy. We all cried and danced and hug and kissed. Our friend Osito was lost, and now it was found.

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